Medical Records
The results of all laboratory tests, x-rays, other diagnostic studies, and medical treatment received while hospitalized or treated as an inpatient/outpatient are documented. Also included are physician reports from examinations, surgery, treatment and medications, and observations by nurses and other members of your health care team. This information is combined to make up your medical record.
Obtaining Copies of Your Medical Records Release of Information (ROI)
Non-custodial parents have an equal right to a child’s medical information, with certain exceptions, as required by law. They can only be denied access if they have been stripped of all parental rights. We must have knowledge of the lack of parental rights to facilitate the denial.
Anyone picking up medical records will be asked to show a government-issued form of ID before the records will be released.
Requests for medical records may be mailed or faxed to:
Graham County Hospital
Attn: Medical Records
PO Box 339
304 W. Prout
Hill City KS 67642
FAX: 785-421-2034
Records will be sent through the U.S. mail, fax, or electronically downloaded to a USB flash drive. Records for medical emergencies will be faxed or uploaded directly to a physician or medical facility. Our average turnaround time for processing requests is approximately 10 – 14 days; by law, however, we have 30 days to complete release of information requests.
Graham County Hospital Medical Record Department is not able to give out any medical information over the phone as to protect patient confidentiality. Medical Records personnel are not clinical personnel and cannot explain test results.
An authorization is not needed to send copies of records to the physician overseeing your care while in the hospital, your family physician of record, and/or the physician who ordered outpatient testing. You may be able to obtain this information over the phone from your physician, who has a relationship with you and is comfortable confirming your identity on the telephone. This depends on the physician’s policy and may not be true of all offices.
Birth and Death Certificates
If you are wanting copies of birth certificates or death certificates, please click on the following links.
A reasonable fee shall be charged to defer the costs of photocopying.
Patient record copy fees:
$1.08 per page for pages 1 – 20
$0.54 per pages 21 – 50
$0.22 per page 51 and up
$2.00 per microfilm page
Hours Of Operation
The Medical Record Department is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.