Swing Bed Services
Our swing bed unit is a Medicare sponsored program that provides extended care to individuals needing additional time to rebuild their strength following an acute illness or surgery.
The goal of our program is to help our patients return to their home and live independently or with the help of community resources. As a patient of our swingbed unit, you will receive specialized care from our nursing staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our nursing staff and your provider work as a team to provide personalized care.

Swing Bed Requirements:
Swing Bed patients must have a 3 day in-patient stay at any hospital and have a need for either I.V. therapy or a need for one of the following; Physical Therapy or Speech Therapy.
Although our Swing Bed unit is sponsored by Medicare, we also accept many types of private insurance. For further information, please contact our Director of Nursing, Dan Irby at (785) 421-2121.